Briggs Landscape Design is open to working with you to meet your specific needs. If you don't see a particular service listed below but think we might be able to help, get in touch! We're a full service Landscape Design business, and we pride ourselves on delivering a range of quality services at an excellent value.
Landscape Services
Flower care - Staking - Dividing - Deadheading
Garden / Flower Bed Design and Renovation
Spring Clean Up - Autumn Clean up
Snow Removal
Professional Lawn Care, Mowing, Renovation and Sodding
Landscape Lighting and Irrigation
Estate Maintenance and Detailed Care
Design and Installation
Custom Gardens and Patios
Perennial Gardens
Seasonal Displays
Foundations / Light Construction
Fieldstone Walls / Small Masonry Jobs
Provide a range from native to formal landscapes
Common Services
Lawn Maintenance / Upgrades
Snow Removal
Fertilization and Weed Control
Landscape Lighting and "Nightscapes"
Hardscapes / Patios / Pathways / Water Features
Service Areas
We have worked with clients from South Jersey to Massachusetts. Primarily, we serve Fairfield County, Connecticut and Westchester County, New York.